
If you are interested in supporting the lab, please visit our donation page and consider a gift to accelerate and enable our work.

We are completely non-profit and trying to do game-changing work. 80 % of our grant applications are rejected, even though they may contain great ideas, and sometimes for reasons that are unfair. We are not supported by the PKD Foundation, the National Science Foundation, or the Department of Defense.

Donations are tax deductible. They can be matched by corporate sponsors – if you are interested in matching, please contact the lab. While we try to obtain support in the form of grants, there’s a high rejection rate.

Our ability to make discoveries is directly related to our budget. Any amount helps, and it adds up. Please also spread the word to others. Gifts enable us to purchase helpful instruments, such as a microscope that we can use to watch organoids grow, and also let us test different drugs, e.g. to determine whether they can reverse PKD phenotypes.

If you have ideas for how to use the funds, please include them with your gift.